Visual Basic Source Code
Visual Basic Source Code.iso
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Text File
2,799 lines
Begin Form frmFGDrawDemo
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "FG Draw Demo"
ClientHeight = 6000
ClientLeft = 630
ClientTop = 1425
ClientWidth = 8445
Height = 6690
HelpContextID = 1
Icon = FGDRAW.FRX:0000
Left = 570
LinkTopic = "Form1"
ScaleHeight = 400
ScaleMode = 3 'Pixel
ScaleWidth = 563
Top = 795
Width = 8565
Begin SSPanel pnlAttribBar
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
BevelInner = 1 'Inset
BorderWidth = 2
Font3D = 0 'None
Height = 1050
HelpContextID = 14
Left = -15
TabIndex = 8
Top = 4830
Width = 8415
Begin CommonDialog CMDialog1
Prop12 = ""
Prop27 = ""
Prop28 = FGDRAW.FRX:0302
Action = 0 'Nothing
CancelError = 0 'False
Color = &H00000000&
Copies = 0
DefaultExt = ""
DialogTitle = ""
Filename = ""
Filetitle = ""
Filter = ""
FilterIndex = 0
Flags = 0
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = ""
FontSize = 8
FontStrikeThru = 0 'False
FontUnderLine = 0 'False
FromPage = 0
HelpCommand = 0
HelpContext = 0
HelpFile = ""
HelpKey = ""
InitDir = ""
Max = 0
MaxFileSize = 256
Min = 0
PrinterDefault = -1 'True
ToPage = 0
Begin PictureBox picColorBtns
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
BorderStyle = 0 'None
ClipControls = 0 'False
Height = 930
HelpContextID = 15
Left = 4290
ScaleHeight = 62
ScaleMode = 3 'Pixel
ScaleWidth = 186
TabIndex = 18
Tag = "TT:[Select a Color (DblClick to Edit)]"
Top = 60
Width = 2790
Begin FG FG2
Height = 420
Left = 30
Top = 315
Width = 420
Begin CommandButton cmdSelectFont
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "Font"
FontBold = -1 'True
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "System"
FontSize = 9.75
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 315
HelpContextID = 17
Left = 2655
TabIndex = 17
Tag = "TT:[Set Font Attributes]"
Top = 600
Width = 975
Begin SSPanel Panel3D4
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
BevelInner = 1 'Inset
BorderWidth = 1
Font3D = 0 'None
Height = 480
HelpContextID = 18
Left = 2655
TabIndex = 16
Top = 75
Width = 1005
Begin SSRibbon grbTransparent
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
GroupAllowAllUp = 0 'False
GroupNumber = 7
Height = 390
HelpContextID = 19
Left = 495
PictureDnChange = 1 'Dither 'PictureUp' Bitmap
PictureUp = FGDRAW.FRX:030A
RoundedCorners = 0 'False
Tag = "TT:[Transparent]"
Top = 45
Value = -1 'True
Width = 465
Begin SSRibbon grbOpaque
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
GroupAllowAllUp = 0 'False
GroupNumber = 7
Height = 390
HelpContextID = 20
Left = 45
PictureDnChange = 1 'Dither 'PictureUp' Bitmap
PictureUp = FGDRAW.FRX:04C4
RoundedCorners = 0 'False
Tag = "TT:[Opaque]"
Top = 45
Width = 465
Begin SSPanel Panel3D3
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
BevelInner = 1 'Inset
BorderWidth = 1
Font3D = 0 'None
Height = 900
HelpContextID = 21
Left = 1755
MousePointer = 10 'Up Arrow
TabIndex = 15
Tag = "TT:[Select a Fill Style]"
Top = 75
Width = 885
Begin Shape Shape4
BorderColor = &H00000000&
BorderStyle = 0 'Transparent
DrawMode = 10 'Not Xor Pen
FillStyle = 0 'Solid
Height = 255
Left = 60
Top = 315
Width = 255
Begin Shape Shape3
FillStyle = 7 'Diagonal Cross
Height = 225
Index = 7
Left = 585
Top = 330
Width = 225
Begin Shape Shape3
FillStyle = 6 'Cross
Height = 225
Index = 6
Left = 585
Top = 75
Width = 225
Begin Shape Shape3
FillStyle = 5 'Downward Diagonal
Height = 225
Index = 5
Left = 330
Top = 585
Width = 225
Begin Shape Shape3
FillStyle = 4 'Upward Diagonal
Height = 225
Index = 4
Left = 330
Top = 330
Width = 225
Begin Shape Shape3
FillStyle = 3 'Vertical Line
Height = 225
Index = 3
Left = 330
Top = 75
Width = 225
Begin Shape Shape3
FillStyle = 2 'Horizontal Line
Height = 225
Index = 2
Left = 75
Top = 585
Width = 225
Begin Shape Shape3
Height = 225
Index = 1
Left = 75
Top = 330
Width = 225
Begin Shape Shape3
FillStyle = 0 'Solid
Height = 225
Index = 0
Left = 75
Top = 75
Width = 225
Begin SSPanel Panel3D2
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
BevelInner = 1 'Inset
BorderWidth = 1
Font3D = 0 'None
Height = 900
HelpContextID = 22
Left = 1005
MousePointer = 10 'Up Arrow
TabIndex = 14
Tag = "TT:[Select a Border Width]"
Top = 75
Width = 735
Begin TextBox txtBorderWidth
Height = 285
HelpContextID = 23
Left = 195
MousePointer = 3 'I-Beam
TabIndex = 19
Text = "32"
Top = 555
Width = 465
Begin Line Line2
BorderWidth = 8
Index = 5
X1 = 270
X2 = 600
Y1 = 660
Y2 = 660
Begin Shape Shape2
FillStyle = 0 'Solid
Height = 60
Left = 60
Shape = 3 'Circle
Top = 90
Width = 60
Begin Line Line2
Index = 1
X1 = 270
X2 = 600
Y1 = 165
Y2 = 165
Begin Line Line2
BorderWidth = 2
Index = 2
X1 = 270
X2 = 600
Y1 = 240
Y2 = 240
Begin Line Line2
BorderWidth = 4
Index = 3
X1 = 270
X2 = 600
Y1 = 330
Y2 = 330
Begin Line Line2
BorderWidth = 8
Index = 4
X1 = 270
X2 = 600
Y1 = 450
Y2 = 450
Begin Line Line2
BorderColor = &H00000000&
Index = 0
X1 = 270
X2 = 600
Y1 = 90
Y2 = 90
Begin SSPanel Panel3D1
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
BevelInner = 1 'Inset
BorderWidth = 1
Font3D = 0 'None
Height = 900
HelpContextID = 24
Left = 75
MousePointer = 10 'Up Arrow
TabIndex = 13
Tag = "TT:[Select Bordere Style]"
Top = 75
Width = 915
Begin Line Line1
BorderColor = &H00000000&
Index = 0
Tag = "TT:[Solid Line]"
X1 = 240
X2 = 840
Y1 = 120
Y2 = 120
Begin Line Line1
BorderStyle = 6 'Inside Solid
Index = 6
X1 = 240
X2 = 840
Y1 = 750
Y2 = 750
Begin Line Line1
BorderColor = &H00808080&
Index = 5
X1 = 240
X2 = 840
Y1 = 645
Y2 = 645
Begin Line Line1
BorderStyle = 5 'Dash-Dot-Dot
Index = 4
X1 = 240
X2 = 840
Y1 = 540
Y2 = 540
Begin Line Line1
BorderStyle = 4 'Dash-Dot
Index = 3
X1 = 240
X2 = 840
Y1 = 435
Y2 = 435
Begin Line Line1
BorderStyle = 3 'Dot
Index = 2
X1 = 240
X2 = 840
Y1 = 330
Y2 = 330
Begin Line Line1
BorderStyle = 2 'Dash
Index = 1
X1 = 240
X2 = 840
Y1 = 225
Y2 = 225
Begin Shape Shape1
FillStyle = 0 'Solid
Height = 60
Left = 105
Shape = 3 'Circle
Top = 105
Width = 60
Begin Label Label2
Alignment = 1 'Right Justify
BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
Caption = "Back"
Height = 180
Index = 3
Left = 3630
TabIndex = 12
Top = 765
Width = 660
Begin Label Label2
Alignment = 1 'Right Justify
BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
Caption = "Font"
Height = 180
Index = 2
Left = 3630
TabIndex = 11
Top = 555
Width = 660
Begin Label Label2
Alignment = 1 'Right Justify
BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
Caption = "Fill"
Height = 180
Index = 1
Left = 3645
TabIndex = 10
Top = 300
Width = 630
Begin Label Label2
Alignment = 1 'Right Justify
BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
Caption = "Border"
Height = 180
Index = 0
Left = 3645
TabIndex = 9
Top = 75
Width = 645
Begin PictureBox picDrawSpace
BackColor = &H00FFFFFF&
ClipControls = 0 'False
FillColor = &H000000FF&
FillStyle = 0 'Solid
FontBold = -1 'True
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "System"
FontSize = 78
FontStrikethru = -1 'True
FontUnderline = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H00FF0000&
Height = 4665
HelpContextID = 25
Left = 1605
ScaleHeight = 309
ScaleMode = 3 'Pixel
ScaleWidth = 439
TabIndex = 2
Top = 60
Width = 6615
Begin FG FG1
Height = 420
Left = 120
Top = 120
Width = 420
Begin PictureBox picButtonBarBorder
Align = 2 'Align Bottom
Height = 15
HelpContextID = 27
Left = 0
ScaleHeight = 0
ScaleWidth = 8415
TabIndex = 1
Top = 5985
Width = 8445
Begin SSPanel pnlButtonBar
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
BevelInner = 1 'Inset
BorderWidth = 2
Font3D = 0 'None
Height = 4770
HelpContextID = 28
Left = 0
TabIndex = 0
Top = 15
Width = 1395
Begin SSCommand cmdDeleteGraphic
Caption = "-"
Font3D = 0 'None
FontBold = -1 'True
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "System"
FontSize = 19.5
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 330
HelpContextID = 29
Left = 1005
Picture = FGDRAW.FRX:067E
RoundedCorners = 0 'False
TabIndex = 28
Tag = "TT:[Zoom OUt]"
Top = 60
Width = 330
Begin SSCommand cmdPageDown
Font3D = 0 'None
Height = 330
HelpContextID = 30
Left = 540
Picture = FGDRAW.FRX:0778
RoundedCorners = 0 'False
TabIndex = 27
Top = 4110
Width = 330
Begin SSCommand cmdStepDown
Font3D = 0 'None
Height = 330
HelpContextID = 31
Left = 540
Picture = FGDRAW.FRX:0872
RoundedCorners = 0 'False
TabIndex = 26
Top = 3795
Width = 330
Begin SSCommand cmdPageRight
Font3D = 0 'None
Height = 330
HelpContextID = 32
Left = 1005
Picture = FGDRAW.FRX:096C
RoundedCorners = 0 'False
TabIndex = 25
Top = 3480
Width = 330
Begin SSCommand cmdStepRight
Font3D = 0 'None
Height = 330
HelpContextID = 33
Left = 690
Picture = FGDRAW.FRX:0A66
RoundedCorners = 0 'False
TabIndex = 24
Top = 3480
Width = 330
Begin SSCommand cmdStepLeft
Font3D = 0 'None
Height = 330
HelpContextID = 34
Left = 375
Picture = FGDRAW.FRX:0B60
RoundedCorners = 0 'False
TabIndex = 23
Top = 3480
Width = 330
Begin SSCommand cmdStepUp
Font3D = 0 'None
Height = 330
HelpContextID = 35
Left = 540
Picture = FGDRAW.FRX:0C5A
RoundedCorners = 0 'False
TabIndex = 22
Top = 3165
Width = 330
Begin SSCommand cmdPageUp
Font3D = 0 'None
Height = 330
HelpContextID = 36
Left = 540
Picture = FGDRAW.FRX:0D54
RoundedCorners = 0 'False
TabIndex = 21
Top = 2850
Width = 330
Begin SSCommand cmdPageLeft
Font3D = 0 'None
Height = 330
HelpContextID = 37
Left = 60
Picture = FGDRAW.FRX:0E4E
RoundedCorners = 0 'False
TabIndex = 20
Top = 3480
Width = 330
Begin SSRibbon grbDrawTool
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
GroupAllowAllUp = 0 'False
Height = 330
HelpContextID = 38
Index = 8
Left = 1005
PictureDnChange = 1 'Dither 'PictureUp' Bitmap
PictureUp = FGDRAW.FRX:0F48
RoundedCorners = 0 'False
Tag = "TT:[Polyline]"
Top = 795
Width = 330
Begin SSCheck chkKeepAspectRatio
Font3D = 0 'None
Height = 255
HelpContextID = 39
Left = 105
TabIndex = 7
Top = 1935
Value = -1 'True
Width = 240
Begin SSRibbon grbDrawTool
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
GroupAllowAllUp = 0 'False
Height = 330
HelpContextID = 38
Index = 15
Left = 690
PictureDnChange = 1 'Dither 'PictureUp' Bitmap
PictureUp = FGDRAW.FRX:1042
RoundedCorners = 0 'False
Tag = "TT:[Zoom In]"
Top = 1425
Width = 330
Begin SSCommand cdmZoomOut
Caption = "-"
Font3D = 0 'None
FontBold = -1 'True
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "System"
FontSize = 19.5
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 330
HelpContextID = 40
Left = 1005
RoundedCorners = 0 'False
TabIndex = 5
Tag = "TT:[Zoom OUt]"
Top = 1425
Width = 330
Begin SSRibbon grbDrawTool
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
GroupAllowAllUp = 0 'False
Height = 330
HelpContextID = 38
Index = 14
Left = 375
PictureDnChange = 1 'Dither 'PictureUp' Bitmap
PictureUp = FGDRAW.FRX:113C
RoundedCorners = 0 'False
Tag = "TT:[Free Hand Draw]"
Top = 1425
Width = 330
Begin SSRibbon grbDrawTool
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
GroupAllowAllUp = 0 'False
Height = 330
HelpContextID = 38
Index = 13
Left = 60
PictureDnChange = 1 'Dither 'PictureUp' Bitmap
PictureUp = FGDRAW.FRX:1236
RoundedCorners = 0 'False
Tag = "TT:[TextOut"
Top = 1425
Width = 330
Begin SSRibbon grbDrawTool
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
GroupAllowAllUp = 0 'False
Height = 330
HelpContextID = 38
Index = 12
Left = 1005
PictureDnChange = 1 'Dither 'PictureUp' Bitmap
PictureUp = FGDRAW.FRX:1330
RoundedCorners = 0 'False
Tag = "TT:[RoundRect]"
Top = 1110
Width = 330
Begin SSRibbon grbDrawTool
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
GroupAllowAllUp = 0 'False
Height = 330
HelpContextID = 38
Index = 11
Left = 690
PictureDnChange = 1 'Dither 'PictureUp' Bitmap
PictureUp = FGDRAW.FRX:142A
RoundedCorners = 0 'False
Tag = "TT:[Rectangle]"
Top = 1110
Width = 330
Begin SSRibbon grbDrawTool
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
GroupAllowAllUp = 0 'False
Height = 330
HelpContextID = 38
Index = 10
Left = 375
PictureDnChange = 1 'Dither 'PictureUp' Bitmap
PictureUp = FGDRAW.FRX:1524
RoundedCorners = 0 'False
Tag = "TT:[PolyTextOut]"
Top = 1110
Width = 330
Begin SSRibbon grbDrawTool
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
GroupAllowAllUp = 0 'False
Height = 330
HelpContextID = 38
Index = 9
Left = 60
PictureDnChange = 1 'Dither 'PictureUp' Bitmap
PictureUp = FGDRAW.FRX:161E
RoundedCorners = 0 'False
Tag = "TT:[PolyPolygon]"
Top = 1110
Width = 330
Begin SSRibbon grbDrawTool
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
GroupAllowAllUp = 0 'False
Height = 330
HelpContextID = 38
Index = 7
Left = 690
PictureDnChange = 1 'Dither 'PictureUp' Bitmap
PictureUp = FGDRAW.FRX:1718
RoundedCorners = 0 'False
Tag = "TT:[Pie]"
Top = 795
Width = 330
Begin SSRibbon grbDrawTool
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
GroupAllowAllUp = 0 'False
Height = 330
HelpContextID = 38
Index = 6
Left = 375
PictureDnChange = 1 'Dither 'PictureUp' Bitmap
PictureUp = FGDRAW.FRX:1812
RoundedCorners = 0 'False
Tag = "TT:[Polygon]"
Top = 795
Width = 330
Begin SSRibbon grbDrawTool
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
GroupAllowAllUp = 0 'False
Height = 330
HelpContextID = 38
Index = 5
Left = 60
PictureDnChange = 1 'Dither 'PictureUp' Bitmap
PictureUp = FGDRAW.FRX:190C
RoundedCorners = 0 'False
Tag = "TT:[Line]"
Top = 795
Width = 330
Begin SSRibbon grbDrawTool
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
GroupAllowAllUp = 0 'False
Height = 330
HelpContextID = 38
Index = 4
Left = 1005
PictureDnChange = 1 'Dither 'PictureUp' Bitmap
PictureUp = FGDRAW.FRX:1A06
RoundedCorners = 0 'False
Tag = "TT:[Ellipse]"
Top = 480
Width = 330
Begin SSRibbon grbDrawTool
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
GroupAllowAllUp = 0 'False
Height = 330
HelpContextID = 38
Index = 3
Left = 690
PictureDnChange = 1 'Dither 'PictureUp' Bitmap
PictureUp = FGDRAW.FRX:1B00
RoundedCorners = 0 'False
Tag = "TT:[Draw Text]"
Top = 480
Width = 330
Begin SSRibbon grbDrawTool
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
GroupAllowAllUp = 0 'False
Height = 330
HelpContextID = 38
Index = 0
Left = 60
PictureDnChange = 1 'Dither 'PictureUp' Bitmap
RoundedCorners = 0 'False
Tag = "TT:[Selection]"
Top = 60
Value = -1 'True
Width = 330
Begin SSRibbon grbDrawTool
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
GroupAllowAllUp = 0 'False
Height = 330
HelpContextID = 38
Index = 2
Left = 375
PictureDnChange = 1 'Dither 'PictureUp' Bitmap
PictureUp = FGDRAW.FRX:1CF4
RoundedCorners = 0 'False
Tag = "TT:[Chord]"
Top = 480
Width = 330
Begin SSRibbon grbDrawTool
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
GroupAllowAllUp = 0 'False
Height = 330
HelpContextID = 38
Index = 1
Left = 60
PictureDnChange = 1 'Dither 'PictureUp' Bitmap
RoundedCorners = 0 'False
Tag = "TT:[Arc"
Top = 480
Width = 330
Begin Label Label1
BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
Caption = "Keep Zoom Aspect Ratio"
Height = 615
Left = 345
TabIndex = 6
Top = 1800
Width = 975
Begin Label lblYPos
BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
Height = 270
Left = 90
TabIndex = 4
Top = 2565
Width = 1215
Begin Label lblXPos
BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
Height = 240
Left = 75
TabIndex = 3
Top = 2370
Width = 1245
Begin Menu mu_File
Caption = "&File"
HelpContextID = 41
Begin Menu mu_ClearAll
Caption = "&New"
HelpContextID = 42
Begin Menu mu_Print
Caption = "&Print"
Begin Menu mu_Sep
Caption = "-"
Begin Menu mu_Exit
Caption = "E&xit"
HelpContextID = 43
Begin Menu mu_DrawingTool
Caption = "&Drawing Tool"
HelpContextID = 44
Begin Menu mu_Tool
Caption = "&Arrow"
Checked = -1 'True
HelpContextID = 45
Index = 0
Begin Menu mu_Tool
Caption = "&Arc"
HelpContextID = 45
Index = 1
Begin Menu mu_Tool
Caption = "&Chord"
HelpContextID = 45
Index = 2
Begin Menu mu_Tool
Caption = "&Draw Text"
HelpContextID = 45
Index = 3
Begin Menu mu_Tool
Caption = "&Ellipse"
HelpContextID = 45
Index = 4
Begin Menu mu_Tool
Caption = "&Line"
HelpContextID = 45
Index = 5
Begin Menu mu_Tool
Caption = "&Polygon"
HelpContextID = 45
Index = 6
Begin Menu mu_Tool
Caption = "&Pie"
HelpContextID = 45
Index = 7
Begin Menu mu_Tool
Caption = "&Polyline"
HelpContextID = 45
Index = 8
Begin Menu mu_Tool
Caption = "&PolyPolygon"
HelpContextID = 45
Index = 9
Begin Menu mu_Tool
Caption = "&PolyTextOut"
HelpContextID = 45
Index = 10
Begin Menu mu_Tool
Caption = "&Rectangle"
HelpContextID = 45
Index = 11
Begin Menu mu_Tool
Caption = "&Round Rectangle"
HelpContextID = 45
Index = 12
Begin Menu mu_Tool
Caption = "&Text out"
HelpContextID = 45
Index = 13
Begin Menu mu_Tool
Caption = "&Free Hand Draw"
HelpContextID = 45
Index = 14
Begin Menu mu_Tool
Caption = "&Zoom in"
HelpContextID = 45
Index = 15
Begin Menu mu_ZoomOut
Caption = "&Zoom out"
HelpContextID = 46
Begin Menu mu_Delete
Caption = "&Delete"
Index = 16
Begin Menu mu_View
Caption = "&View"
HelpContextID = 47
Begin Menu mu_ButtonBar
Caption = "&ButtonBar"
Checked = -1 'True
HelpContextID = 48
Begin Menu mu_AttribBar
Caption = "&Attrib Bar"
Checked = -1 'True
HelpContextID = 49
Begin Menu mu_ViewTips
Caption = "View &Tips"
Checked = -1 'True
Enabled = 0 'False
HelpContextID = 50
Visible = 0 'False
Begin Menu mu_ViewPicture
Caption = "&View Picture"
HelpContextID = 51
Visible = 0 'False
Begin Menu mu_Help
Caption = "&Help"
HelpContextID = 52
Begin Menu mu_Contents
Caption = "&Contents"
HelpContextID = 53
Shortcut = {F1}
Visible = 0 'False
Begin Menu mu_HelpHelp
Caption = "&How to use Help"
HelpContextID = 54
Visible = 0 'False
Begin Menu mu_Sep1
Caption = "-"
HelpContextID = 55
Visible = 0 'False
Begin Menu mu_About
Caption = "&About"
HelpContextID = 56
Option Explicit
Dim CurrTool As Integer
Dim CurrGraphic As Long
Const MAX_GRAPHICS = 10000
Const NUM_COLORS = 24
Dim AllColors(NUM_COLORS, 3) As Long
Dim ColorSelect(3) As Long
Dim ColorSelectIdx(3) As Integer
Dim ColorRow As Integer
Dim GraphicHandles(MAX_GRAPHICS) As Long
Dim GraphicTypes(MAX_GRAPHICS) As Integer
Dim MaxHandle As Integer
Dim NumPoints As Integer
Dim CurrPoint As Integer
Dim initx As Double
Dim inity As Double
Dim CurrBorderWidth As Integer
Dim CurrBorderStyle As Integer
Dim CurrBorderColor
Dim CurrFIllStyle As Integer
Dim CurrFillColor
Dim CurrFontHeight As Integer
Dim CurrFontWidth As Integer
Dim CurrFontEscapement As Integer
Dim CurrFontOrientation As Integer
Dim CurrFontBold As Integer
Dim CurrFontItalic As Integer
Dim CurrFontUnderline As Integer
Dim CurrFontStrikeOut As Integer
Dim CurrFontFaceName As String
Dim CurrFontColor
Dim CurrBackColor
Dim CurrBackStyle As Integer
Dim CurrVisible As Integer
Dim MarkPicture As Long
Dim MarkObjectIdx As Integer
Dim MarkPolyPolygon As Long
Dim MarkStartIdx As Long
Dim MarkEndIdx As Long
Dim MarkPoints() As PointAPI
Dim MarkCount() As Integer
Dim MarkPointIdx As Integer
Dim EditDrag As Integer
Dim CanSetAttribs As Integer
Dim CanScroll As Integer
Dim PolyPolygonCountIdx As Integer
Dim PolyCountStartIdx As Integer
Sub AddPrinterPage ()
Dim dummy As Long
Dim X1 As Double
Dim Y1 As Double
Dim X2 As Double
Dim Y2 As Double
Dim S1 As Double
Dim S2 As Double
'picDrawSpace.BackColor = QBColor(8)
Printer.ScaleMode = 3
X1 = Printer.ScaleLeft
Y1 = Printer.ScaleTop
X2 = X1 + Printer.ScaleWidth
Y2 = Y1 + Printer.ScaleHeight
dummy = SCReateRectangle(FG1, X1, Y1, X2, Y2)
SetFillStyle dummy, FS_SOLID
SetFillColor dummy, QBColor(15)
SetBorderStyle dummy, BS_SOLID
SetBorderColor dummy, QBColor(7)
S1 = (X2 - X1) / picDrawSpace.ScaleWidth
S2 = (Y2 - Y1) / picDrawSpace.ScaleHeight
If S2 > S1 Then S1 = S2
SetPlacement FG1, 0, 0, (X2 - X1) / S1, (Y2 - Y1) / S1
SetScale FG1, X1, Y1, X2, Y2
End Sub
Sub CancelMark ()
If MarkPicture = -1 Then
Exit Sub
End If
If GetVisible(MarkPicture) Then
DoPaint MarkPicture
SetVisible MarkPicture, False
MarkObjectIdx = -1
RemoveObject MarkPicture, picDrawSpace.hDC, 0, True, QBColor(0)
MarkPicture = -1
End If
End Sub
Sub cdmZoomOut_Click ()
Dim TD1 As Double
Dim TD2 As Double
Dim ThePicHandle As Long
ThePicHandle = FG1
TD1 = SGetX(ThePicHandle, 3)
TD2 = SGetX(ThePicHandle, 4)
SSetX FG1, 3, TD1 - TD2 / 2#
SSetX FG1, 4, TD2 * 2#
TD1 = SGetY(ThePicHandle, 3)
TD2 = SGetY(ThePicHandle, 4)
SSetY FG1, 3, TD1 - TD2 / 2#
SSetY FG1, 4, TD2 * 2#
End Sub
Sub cmdDeleteGraphic_Click ()
Dim i As Integer
Dim DeleteHandle As Long
If (MarkObjectIdx >= 0) And CanSetAttribs Then
' Remeber the object handle
DeleteHandle = GraphicHandles(MarkObjectIdx)
' Move all of the objets down one
For i = MarkObjectIdx To MaxHandle - 2
GraphicHandles(i) = GraphicHandles(i + 1)
GraphicTypes(i) = GraphicTypes(i + 1)
Next i
MaxHandle = MaxHandle - 1
RemoveObject DeleteHandle, picDrawSpace.hDC, 1, True, picDrawSpace.BackColor
End If
End Sub
Sub cmdPageDown_Click ()
Dim SHeight As Double
Dim NewY As Double
Dim ThePicHandle As Long
ThePicHandle = FG1
NewY = SGetY(ThePicHandle, 3)
SHeight = SGetY(ThePicHandle, 4)
SSetY FG1, 3, NewY + SHeight / 3
End Sub
Sub cmdPageDown_MouseDown (Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim T
CanScroll = True
T = Timer
' Wait 1 second before starting to scroll
While (T + 1#) > Timer
If Not CanScroll Then Exit Sub
T = Timer
' Scroll until mouse up event
While CanScroll
' wait 1/5 th second between each scroll
While (T + .2) > Timer
If Not CanScroll Then Exit Sub
T = Timer
cmdPageDown = True
End Sub
Sub cmdPageDown_MouseUp (Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
CanScroll = False
End Sub
Sub cmdPageLeft_Click ()
Dim SWidth As Double
Dim NewX As Double
Dim ThePicHandle As Long
ThePicHandle = FG1
NewX = SGetX(ThePicHandle, 3)
SWidth = SGetX(ThePicHandle, 4)
SSetX FG1, 3, NewX - SWidth / 3
End Sub
Sub cmdPageLeft_MouseDown (Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim T
CanScroll = True
T = Timer
' Wait 1 second before starting to scroll
While (T + 1#) > Timer
If Not CanScroll Then Exit Sub
T = Timer
' Scroll until mouse up event
While CanScroll
' wait 1/5 th second between each scroll
While (T + .2) > Timer
If Not CanScroll Then Exit Sub
T = Timer
cmdPageLeft = True
End Sub
Sub cmdPageLeft_MouseUp (Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
CanScroll = False
End Sub
Sub cmdPageRight_Click ()
Dim SWidth As Double
Dim NewX As Double
Dim ThePicHandle As Long
ThePicHandle = FG1
NewX = SGetX(ThePicHandle, 3)
SWidth = SGetX(ThePicHandle, 4)
SSetX FG1, 3, NewX + SWidth / 3
End Sub
Sub cmdPageRight_MouseDown (Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim T
CanScroll = True
T = Timer
' Wait 1 second before starting to scroll
While (T + 1#) > Timer
If Not CanScroll Then Exit Sub
T = Timer
' Scroll until mouse up event
While CanScroll
' wait 1/5 th second between each scroll
While (T + .2) > Timer
If Not CanScroll Then Exit Sub
T = Timer
cmdPageRight = True
End Sub
Sub cmdPageRight_MouseUp (Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
CanScroll = False
End Sub
Sub cmdPageUp_Click ()
Dim SHeight As Double
Dim NewY As Double
Dim ThePicHandle As Long
ThePicHandle = FG1
NewY = SGetY(ThePicHandle, 3)
SHeight = SGetY(ThePicHandle, 4)
SSetY FG1, 3, NewY - SHeight / 3
End Sub
Sub cmdPageUp_MouseDown (Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim T
CanScroll = True
T = Timer
' Wait 1 second before starting to scroll
While (T + 1#) > Timer
If Not CanScroll Then Exit Sub
T = Timer
' Scroll until mouse up event
While CanScroll
' wait 1/5 th second between each scroll
While (T + .2) > Timer
If Not CanScroll Then Exit Sub
T = Timer
cmdPageUp = True
End Sub
Sub cmdPageUp_MouseUp (Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
CanScroll = False
End Sub
Sub cmdSelectFont_Click ()
CMDialog1.FontName = CurrFontFaceName
CMDialog1.FontBold = CurrFontBold
CMDialog1.FontItalic = CurrFontItalic
CMDialog1.FontSize = -CurrFontHeight
CMDialog1.FontStrikeThru = CurrFontStrikeOut
CMDialog1.FontUnderLine = CurrFontUnderline
'CMDialog1.Color = TheFontColor
CMDialog1.Action = 4
CurrFontFaceName = CMDialog1.FontName
CurrFontBold = CMDialog1.FontBold
CurrFontItalic = CMDialog1.FontItalic
CurrFontHeight = -CMDialog1.FontSize
CurrFontStrikeOut = CMDialog1.FontStrikeThru
CurrFontUnderline = CMDialog1.FontUnderLine
End Sub
Sub cmdStepDown_Click ()
Dim SHeight As Double
Dim NewY As Double
Dim PHeight As Double
Dim ThePicHandle As Long
ThePicHandle = FG1
NewY = SGetY(ThePicHandle, 3)
SHeight = SGetY(ThePicHandle, 4)
PHeight = SGetY(ThePicHandle, 2)
SSetY FG1, 3, NewY + SHeight / PHeight
End Sub
Sub cmdStepDown_MouseDown (Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim T
CanScroll = True
T = Timer
' Wait 1 second before starting to scroll
While (T + 1#) > Timer
If Not CanScroll Then Exit Sub
T = Timer
' Scroll until mouse up event
While CanScroll
' wait 1/5 th second between each scroll
While (T + .2) > Timer
If Not CanScroll Then Exit Sub
T = Timer
cmdStepDown = True
End Sub
Sub cmdStepDown_MouseUp (Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
CanScroll = False
End Sub
Sub cmdStepLeft_Click ()
Dim SWidth As Double
Dim NewX As Double
Dim PWidth As Double
Dim ThePicHandle As Long
ThePicHandle = FG1
NewX = SGetX(ThePicHandle, 3)
SWidth = SGetX(ThePicHandle, 4)
PWidth = SGetX(ThePicHandle, 2)
SSetX FG1, 3, NewX - SWidth / PWidth
End Sub
Sub cmdStepLeft_MouseDown (Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim T
CanScroll = True
T = Timer
' Wait 1 second before starting to scroll
While (T + 1#) > Timer
If Not CanScroll Then Exit Sub
T = Timer
' Scroll until mouse up event
While CanScroll
' wait 1/5 th second between each scroll
While (T + .2) > Timer
If Not CanScroll Then Exit Sub
T = Timer
cmdStepLeft = True
End Sub
Sub cmdStepLeft_MouseUp (Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
CanScroll = False
End Sub
Sub cmdStepRight_Click ()
Dim SWidth As Double
Dim NewX As Double
Dim PWidth As Double
Dim ThePicHandle As Long
ThePicHandle = FG1
NewX = SGetX(ThePicHandle, 3)
SWidth = SGetX(ThePicHandle, 4)
PWidth = SGetX(ThePicHandle, 2)
SSetX FG1, 3, NewX + SWidth / PWidth
End Sub
Sub cmdStepRight_MouseDown (Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim T
CanScroll = True
T = Timer
' Wait 1 second before starting to scroll
While (T + 1#) > Timer
If Not CanScroll Then Exit Sub
T = Timer
' Scroll until mouse up event
While CanScroll
' wait 1/5 th second between each scroll
While (T + .2) > Timer
If Not CanScroll Then Exit Sub
T = Timer
cmdStepRight = True
End Sub
Sub cmdStepRight_MouseUp (Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
CanScroll = False
End Sub
Sub cmdStepUp_Click ()
Dim SHeight As Double
Dim NewY As Double
Dim PHeight As Double
Dim ThePicHandle As Long
ThePicHandle = FG1
NewY = SGetY(ThePicHandle, 3)
SHeight = SGetY(ThePicHandle, 4)
PHeight = SGetY(ThePicHandle, 2)
SSetY FG1, 3, NewY - SHeight / PHeight
End Sub
Sub cmdStepUp_MouseDown (Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim T
CanScroll = True
T = Timer
' Wait 1 second before starting to scroll
While (T + 1#) > Timer
If Not CanScroll Then Exit Sub
T = Timer
' Scroll until mouse up event
While CanScroll
' wait 1/5 th second between each scroll
While (T + .2) > Timer
If Not CanScroll Then Exit Sub
T = Timer
cmdStepUp = True
End Sub
Sub cmdStepUp_MouseUp (Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
CanScroll = False
End Sub
Sub DoHitTesting (Shift As Integer, X As Double, Y As Double)
Dim i As Integer
CanSetAttribs = False
' Iterate through all of the objects and check if the point is in the bounding rectangle
If (Shift And 4) <> 4 Then
MarkObjectIdx = -1
End If
For i = 0 To MaxHandle - 1
If GraphicContainsPoint(GraphicHandles(i), GraphicTypes(i), X, Y) Then
If i > MarkObjectIdx Then
MarkObjectIdx = i
MarkGraphic GraphicHandles(i), GraphicTypes(i)
GetGraphicAttribs GraphicHandles(i)
CanSetAttribs = True
Exit Sub
End If
End If
Next i
' We only get here if no object found yet
' If the ALT key is down reset the markidx and try again
If ((Shift And 4) = 4) And (MarkObjectIdx <> -1) Then
MarkObjectIdx = -1
DoHitTesting Shift, X, Y
Exit Sub
End If
' We only get here if no object found at all
' so cancel any marks
End Sub
Sub DoMarkPosCheck (X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim i As Integer
Dim X1 As Double
Dim Y1 As Double
If MarkPicture = -1 Then
' The mark picture has not been initialised so exit
Exit Sub
End If
If MarkObjectIdx = -1 Then
' There is no object that is currently marked
Exit Sub
End If
For i = MarkStartIdx To MarkEndIdx
' Iterate through all of the point
X1 = MarkPoints((i - MarkStartIdx) * 5).X
Y1 = MarkPoints((i - MarkStartIdx) * 5).Y
If (X >= X1) And (X < (X1 + 10)) Then
If (Y >= Y1) And (Y < (Y1 + 10)) Then
' If the cursor is over a point then change the mouse pointer
MarkPointIdx = i
If (picDrawSpace.MousePointer <> 5) Then
picDrawSpace.MousePointer = 5
End If
Exit Sub
End If
End If
Next i
' No point was found so set the mouse pointer back
MarkPointIdx = -1
If (picDrawSpace.MousePointer = 5) Then
picDrawSpace.MousePointer = 0
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Sub Form_Activate ()
' Set the initial Placement and Scale settings to the form's
'SetScale FG1, 0, 0, picDrawSpace.ScaleWidth, picDrawSpace.ScaleHeight
'SetPlacement FG1, 0, 0, picDrawSpace.ScaleWidth, picDrawSpace.ScaleHeight
' The following code is used for debugging only
'Unload Me
End Sub
Sub Form_Load ()
CurrTool = 0 ' Arrow tool
GraphicHandles(0) = 1
GraphicTypes(0) = G_GLOBALPIC
MaxHandle = 1
NumPoints = 0
CurrPoint = 0
CurrGraphic = -1
MarkPicture = -1
MarkObjectIdx = -1
MarkPolyPolygon = -1
CanSetAttribs = False
MarkPointIdx = -1
EditDrag = False
CanScroll = False
SetFontPointHeight FG1, 20
End Sub
Sub Form_Resize ()
If WindowState = 1 Then
Exit Sub
End If
pnlAttribBar.Left = 0
pnlAttribBar.Top = ScaleHeight - pnlAttribBar.Height
pnlAttribBar.Width = ScaleWidth
pnlButtonBar.Left = 0
pnlButtonBar.Top = 0
pnlButtonBar.Height = ScaleHeight - pnlAttribBar.Height * (-pnlAttribBar.Visible)
picDrawSpace.Left = pnlButtonBar.Width * (-pnlButtonBar.Visible)
picDrawSpace.Top = 0
picDrawSpace.Width = ScaleWidth - pnlButtonBar.Width * (-pnlButtonBar.Visible)
picDrawSpace.Height = ScaleHeight - pnlAttribBar.Height * (-pnlAttribBar.Visible)
picColorBtns.Width = pnlAttribBar.Width * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX - picColorBtns.Left - (pnlAttribBar.BevelWidth * 2 + pnlAttribBar.BorderWidth) * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
End Sub
Sub Form_Unload (Cancel As Integer)
End Sub
Sub GetGraphicAttribs (TheGRaphicHandle As Long)
Dim TempColor
Dim TempBorderStyle As Integer
Dim TempBorderWidth As Integer
Dim TempFillStyle As Integer
Dim TempBackStyle As Integer
TempColor = GetBorderColor(TheGRaphicHandle)
SetSelectedColor TempColor, 0
TempColor = GetFillColor(TheGRaphicHandle)
SetSelectedColor TempColor, 1
TempColor = GetFontColor(TheGRaphicHandle)
SetSelectedColor TempColor, 2
TempColor = GetBackColor(TheGRaphicHandle)
SetSelectedColor TempColor, 3
TempBorderStyle = GetBorderStyle(TheGRaphicHandle)
SetSelectedBorderStyle TempBorderStyle
TempBorderWidth = -GetBorderWidth(TheGRaphicHandle)
SetSelectBorderWidth TempBorderWidth
TempFillStyle = GetFillStyle(TheGRaphicHandle)
SetSelectFillStyle TempFillStyle
TempBackStyle = GetBackStyle(TheGRaphicHandle)
If (TempBackStyle = 1) Then
grbTransparent = True
grbOpaque = True
End If
CurrFontHeight = GetFontPointHeight(TheGRaphicHandle)
If GetFontWeight(TheGRaphicHandle) > 400 Then
CurrFontBold = True
CurrFontBold = False
End If
CurrFontItalic = GetFontItalic(TheGRaphicHandle)
CurrFontUnderline = GetFontUnderline(TheGRaphicHandle)
CurrFontStrikeOut = GetFontStrikeOut(TheGRaphicHandle)
CurrFontFaceName = GetFontFaceName(TheGRaphicHandle)
End Sub
Function GraphicContainsPoint (GraphicHandle As Long, GraphicType As Integer, X As Double, Y As Double) As Integer
Dim ContainsPoint As Integer
Dim X1 As Double
Dim X2 As Double
Dim Y1 As Double
Dim Y2 As Double
Dim dummy As Double
Dim i As Integer
Dim tx As Double
Dim ty As Double
Dim NumPoints As Integer
Dim ThehDC As Integer
Dim TheHandle As Long
Dim TheText As String
X1 = -1
Y1 = -1
X2 = -1
Y2 = -1
If GraphicHandle < 0 Then
GraphicContainsPoint = False
Exit Function
End If
ContainsPoint = False
Select Case GraphicType
X1 = SGetX(GraphicHandle, 1)
X2 = SGetX(GraphicHandle, 2)
Y1 = SGetY(GraphicHandle, 1)
Y2 = SGetY(GraphicHandle, 2)
X1 = SGetX(GraphicHandle, 1)
X2 = SGetX(GraphicHandle, 2)
Y1 = SGetY(GraphicHandle, 1)
Y2 = SGetY(GraphicHandle, 2)
X2 = X1 + X2
Y2 = Y1 + Y2
Case G_TEXTOut
X1 = SGetX(GraphicHandle, 1)
Y1 = SGetY(GraphicHandle, 1)
TheText = GetString(GraphicHandle)
TheHandle = FG1
ThehDC = picDrawSpace.hDC
SetFontPointHeight FG1, GetFontPointHeight(GraphicHandle)
X2 = X1 + Abs(GetScaleTextWidth(TheHandle, ThehDC, TheText))
Y2 = Y1 + Abs(GetScaleTextHeight(TheHandle, ThehDC, TheText))
NumPoints = GetNumPoints(GraphicHandle)
For i = 1 To NumPoints - 1
X1 = SGetX(GraphicHandle, i)
Y1 = SGetY(GraphicHandle, i)
TheText = GetPTextAt(GraphicHandle, i)
TheHandle = FG1
ThehDC = picDrawSpace.hDC
SetFontPointHeight FG1, GetFontPointHeight(GraphicHandle)
X2 = X1 + Abs(GetScaleTextWidth(TheHandle, ThehDC, TheText))
Y2 = Y1 + Abs(GetScaleTextHeight(TheHandle, ThehDC, TheText))
If (X >= X1) And (X <= X2) And (Y >= Y1) And (Y <= Y2) Then
i = NumPoints
End If
Next i
NumPoints = GetNumPoints(GraphicHandle)
If NumPoints > 1 Then
X1 = SGetX(GraphicHandle, 0)
X2 = SGetX(GraphicHandle, 1)
Y1 = SGetY(GraphicHandle, 0)
Y2 = SGetY(GraphicHandle, 1)
For i = 2 To NumPoints - 1
tx = SGetX(GraphicHandle, i)
ty = SGetY(GraphicHandle, i)
If tx < X1 Then X1 = tx
If tx > X2 Then X2 = tx
If ty < Y1 Then Y1 = ty
If ty > Y2 Then Y2 = ty
Next i
End If
End Select
If (X1 > X2) Then
dummy = X1
X1 = X2
X2 = dummy
End If
If (Y1 > Y2) Then
dummy = Y1
Y1 = Y2
Y2 = dummy
End If
If (X >= X1) And (X <= X2) And (Y >= Y1) And (Y <= Y2) Then
ContainsPoint = True
End If
GraphicContainsPoint = ContainsPoint
End Function
Sub grbDrawTool_Click (Index As Integer, Value As Integer)
Dim i As Integer
CurrTool = Index
NumPoints = 0
CurrPoint = 0
CurrGraphic = -1
' Clear all of the tools checks
For i = 0 To 15
mu_Tool(i).Checked = False
Next i
' Check the new tool
mu_Tool(Index).Checked = True
If (Index = 0) Or (Index = 15) Then
picDrawSpace.MousePointer = 0
picDrawSpace.MousePointer = 2
End If
End Sub
Sub grbOpaque_Click (Value As Integer)
If Value Then
CurrBackStyle = BKS_OPAQUE
End If
End Sub
Sub grbTransparent_Click (Value As Integer)
If Value Then
End If
End Sub
Sub InitAttributes ()
CurrBorderColor = QBColor(0)
CurrBorderStyle = BS_SOLID
CurrBorderWidth = 0
CurrFillColor = QBColor(0)
CurrFIllStyle = FS_HOLLOW
CurrBackColor = QBColor(0)
CurrFontColor = QBColor(0)
CurrFontFaceName = "System"
CurrFontHeight = 0
CurrFontItalic = False
CurrFontStrikeOut = False
CurrFontUnderline = False
CurrFontBold = False
End Sub
Sub InitColors ()
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim CurrBtn As Long
Dim BtnWidth As Integer
Dim RGBVal As Integer
Dim BtnHeight As Integer
BtnWidth = picColorBtns.ScaleWidth / NUM_COLORS
BtnHeight = picColorBtns.ScaleHeight / 4
' Create rectangles for all of the colors
For j = 0 To 3
For i = 0 To (NUM_COLORS - 1)
CurrBtn = CReateRectangle(FG2, i * BtnWidth, j * BtnHeight, (i + 1) * BtnWidth, (j + 1) * BtnHeight - 2)
SetFillStyle CurrBtn, 0
'SetDrawMode CurrBtn, 13
If (i > 15) Then
' Generate a Custom color
RGBVal = (NUM_COLORS - i) * 256 / (NUM_COLORS - 14)
SetFillColor CurrBtn, RGB(RGBVal, RGBVal, RGBVal)
SetBorderColor CurrBtn, RGB(RGBVal, RGBVal, RGBVal)
' Generate a VB Color
SetFillColor CurrBtn, QBColor(i)
SetBorderColor CurrBtn, QBColor(i)
End If
AllColors(i, j) = CurrBtn
Next i
Next j
' Create the color selection indicator rectangles
For j = 0 To 3
ColorSelect(j) = CReateRectangle(FG2, 0, j * BtnHeight, BtnWidth, (j + 1) * BtnHeight - 2)
SetFillStyle ColorSelect(j), 1
SetBorderColor ColorSelect(j), QBColor(0)
SetBorderWidth ColorSelect(j), BtnWidth / 4
SetDrawMode ColorSelect(j), 10
ColorSelectIdx(j) = 0
Next j
End Sub
Sub MarkGraphic (GraphicHandle As Long, GraphicType As Integer)
Dim X1 As Double
Dim Y1 As Double
Dim X2 As Double
Dim Y2 As Double
Dim dummy As Long
Dim NumIdxs As Integer
Dim i As Integer
If MarkPicture = -1 Then
MarkPicture = CreatePicture(FG1)
ReDim MarkPoints(2)
ReDim MarkCount(0)
MarkCount(0) = 2
MarkPolyPolygon = BCreatePolyPolygon(MarkPicture, MarkPoints(), MarkCount())
SetDrawMode MarkPolyPolygon, 10
SetFillStyle MarkPolyPolygon, FS_SOLID
SetFillColor MarkPolyPolygon, QBColor(0)
SetPreserveAttribs MarkPolyPolygon, 1
SetBorderStyle MarkPolyPolygon, BS_TRANSPARENT
SetBorderWidth MarkPolyPolygon, 0
SetBackStyle MarkPolyPolygon, BKS_TRANSPARENT
End If
' Undraw any marks in the picture
If GetVisible(MarkPicture) Then
DoPaint MarkPicture
End If
SetVisible MarkPicture, True
Select Case GraphicType
MarkStartIdx = 1
MarkEndIdx = 4
MarkStartIdx = 1
MarkEndIdx = 2
MarkStartIdx = 1
MarkEndIdx = 3
Case G_TEXTOut:
MarkStartIdx = 1
MarkEndIdx = 1
MarkStartIdx = 1
MarkEndIdx = 2
MarkStartIdx = 0
MarkEndIdx = GetNumPoints(GraphicHandle) - 1
MarkStartIdx = 1
MarkEndIdx = GetNumPoints(GraphicHandle) - 1
End Select
' Caclulate the number of points
NumIdxs = MarkEndIdx - MarkStartIdx
' There are five physical points per logical point
ReDim MarkPoints((NumIdxs + 3) * 5)
ReDim MarkCount(NumIdxs + 2)
' Initialise the poly count array
For i = 0 To NumIdxs + 2
MarkCount(i) = 5
Next i
' initialise the points of the polypolygon
For i = MarkStartIdx + 0 To MarkEndIdx
X1 = SGetX(GraphicHandle, i)
Y1 = SGetY(GraphicHandle, i)
ToPhysicalXY FG1, X1, Y1
If (GraphicType = G_DRAWTEXT) Then
If i = 1 Then
X2 = X1
Y2 = Y1
X1 = X1 + X2
Y1 = Y1 + Y2
End If
End If
MarkPoints((i - MarkStartIdx) * 5 + 0).X = X1 - 5
MarkPoints((i - MarkStartIdx) * 5 + 0).Y = Y1 - 5
MarkPoints((i - MarkStartIdx) * 5 + 1).X = X1 + 5
MarkPoints((i - MarkStartIdx) * 5 + 1).Y = Y1 - 5
MarkPoints((i - MarkStartIdx) * 5 + 2).X = X1 + 5
MarkPoints((i - MarkStartIdx) * 5 + 2).Y = Y1 + 5
MarkPoints((i - MarkStartIdx) * 5 + 3).X = X1 - 5
MarkPoints((i - MarkStartIdx) * 5 + 3).Y = Y1 + 5
MarkPoints((i - MarkStartIdx) * 5 + 4).X = X1 - 5
MarkPoints((i - MarkStartIdx) * 5 + 4).Y = Y1 - 5
Next i
DoScale MarkPicture
DoPaint MarkPicture
End Sub
Sub mu_About_Click ()
AboutBox.Show 1
End Sub
Sub mu_AttribBar_Click ()
mu_AttribBar.Checked = Not mu_AttribBar.Checked
pnlAttribBar.Visible = mu_AttribBar.Checked
End Sub
Sub mu_ButtonBar_Click ()
mu_ButtonBar.Checked = Not mu_ButtonBar.Checked
pnlButtonBar.Visible = mu_ButtonBar.Checked
End Sub
Sub mu_ClearAll_Click ()
ClearAll FG1
CurrTool = 0 ' Arrow tool
GraphicHandles(0) = 1
GraphicTypes(0) = G_GLOBALPIC
MaxHandle = 1
NumPoints = 0
CurrPoint = 0
CurrGraphic = -1
MarkPicture = -1
MarkObjectIdx = -1
MarkPolyPolygon = -1
CanSetAttribs = False
MarkPointIdx = -1
EditDrag = False
CanScroll = False
grbDrawTool(0) = True
End Sub
Sub mu_Delete_Click (Index As Integer)
cmdDeleteGraphic = True
End Sub
Sub mu_Exit_Click ()
Unload Me
End Sub
Sub mu_Print_Click ()
SetPlacement FG1, Printer.ScaleLeft, Printer.ScaleTop, Printer.ScaleWidth + Printer.ScaleLeft, Printer.ScaleHeight + Printer.ScaleTop
DoScale FG1
Printer.Print ""
DoDraw FG1, Printer.hDC
SetPlacement FG1, 0, 0, picDrawSpace.ScaleWidth, picDrawSpace.ScaleHeight
DoScale FG1
End Sub
Sub mu_Tool_Click (Index As Integer)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 15
mu_Tool(i).Checked = False
Next i
mu_Tool(Index).Checked = True
grbDrawTool(Index) = True
End Sub
Sub mu_ViewTips_Click ()
mu_ViewTips.Checked = Not mu_ViewTips.Checked
'frmToolTips.Timer1.Enabled = mu_ViewTips.Checked
End Sub
Sub mu_ZoomOut_Click ()
cdmZoomOut = True
End Sub
Sub Panel3D1_MouseUp (Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim i As Integer
If (Button And 1) <> 1 Then
Exit Sub
End If
For i = 0 To 6
If Y < (Line1(i).Y1 + 53) Then
Shape1.Top = Line1(i).Y1 - Shape1.Height / 2
CurrBorderStyle = i
Exit Sub
End If
Next i
' We only get here if no match found yet
' therefore use last option
Shape1.Top = Line1(6).Y1 - Shape1.Height / 2
CurrBorderStyle = 6
End Sub
Sub Panel3D2_MouseUp (Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim i As Integer
If (Button And 1) <> 1 Then
Exit Sub
End If
For i = 0 To 4
If Y < (Line2(i).Y1 + (Line2(i + 1).Y1 - Line2(i).Y1) / 2) Then
Shape2.Top = Line2(i).Y1 - Shape2.Height / 2
If i = 0 Then
CurrBorderWidth = 0
CurrBorderWidth = Line2(i).BorderWidth
End If
Exit Sub
End If
Next i
' We only get here if no match found yet
' therefore use last option
Shape2.Top = txtBorderWidth.Top + txtBorderWidth.Height / 2 - Shape2.Height / 2
CurrBorderWidth = Val(txtBorderWidth)
End Sub
Sub Panel3D3_MouseUp (Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim NewStyle As Integer
If (Button And 1) <> 1 Then
Exit Sub
End If
NewStyle = 0
Select Case Y
Case 0 To 300:
NewStyle = 0
Shape4.Top = 60
Case 301 To 555:
NewStyle = 1
Shape4.Top = 315
Case Else
NewStyle = 2
Shape4.Top = 570
End Select
Select Case X
Case 0 To 300:
NewStyle = NewStyle + 0
Shape4.Left = 60
Case 301 To 555:
NewStyle = NewStyle + 3
Shape4.Left = 315
Case Else
NewStyle = NewStyle + 6
Shape4.Left = 570
End Select
If NewStyle > 7 Then
NewStyle = 7
Shape4.Top = 315
End If
CurrFIllStyle = NewStyle
End Sub
Sub picColorBtns_DblClick ()
On Error Resume Next
CMDialog1.Color = GetBorderColor(AllColors(ColorSelectIdx(ColorRow), ColorRow))
CMDialog1.Flags = 1 'CC_RGBINIT
CMDialog1.Action = 3
If (Err <> 0) Then
Err = 0
Exit Sub
End If
DoPaint ColorSelect(0)
DoPaint ColorSelect(1)
DoPaint ColorSelect(2)
DoPaint ColorSelect(3)
SetBorderColor AllColors(ColorSelectIdx(ColorRow), ColorRow), CMDialog1.Color
SetFillColor AllColors(ColorSelectIdx(ColorRow), ColorRow), CMDialog1.Color
DoPaint AllColors(ColorSelectIdx(ColorRow), ColorRow)
DoPaint ColorSelect(0)
DoPaint ColorSelect(1)
DoPaint ColorSelect(2)
DoPaint ColorSelect(3)
End Sub
Sub picColorBtns_MouseUp (Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim Idx As Integer
Dim BtnWidth As Double
Dim BtnHeight As Integer
BtnWidth = picColorBtns.ScaleWidth / NUM_COLORS
BtnHeight = picColorBtns.ScaleHeight / 4
ColorRow = Y / BtnHeight - .5
Idx = (X / BtnWidth - .5)
DoPaint ColorSelect(ColorRow)
SetX ColorSelect(ColorRow), 1, BtnWidth * Idx
SetX ColorSelect(ColorRow), 2, BtnWidth * (Idx + 1)
DoPaint ColorSelect(ColorRow)
ColorSelectIdx(ColorRow) = Idx
End Sub
Sub picColorBtns_Paint ()
DoDraw FG2, picColorBtns.hDC
End Sub
Sub picDrawSpace_DblClick ()
' If a polypolygon is been drawn then end it
If (CurrTool = G_POLYPOLYGON) And (CurrGraphic <> -1) Then
DoPaint CurrGraphic
SSetX CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, initx
SSetY CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, inity
SetPolyCount CurrGraphic, PolyPolygonCountIdx, CurrPoint - PolyCountStartIdx + 1
SetDrawMode CurrGraphic, 13
DoScale CurrGraphic
DoPaint CurrGraphic
CurrPoint = 0
NumPoints = 0
CurrGraphic = -1
End If
End Sub
Sub picDrawSpace_MouseDown (Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim tx As Double
Dim ty As Double
tx = X
ty = Y
ToScaleXY FG1, tx, ty
If (Button And 2) = 2 Then
If (CurrTool = 6) Or (CurrTool = 8) Or (CurrTool = 14) Or (CurrTool = G_POLYTEXTOut) Then
NumPoints = CurrPoint
If (CurrTool = G_POLYPOLYGON) And (CurrGraphic <> -1) Then
DoPaint CurrGraphic
SSetX CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, initx
SSetY CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, inity
initx = tx
inity = ty
SetPolyCount CurrGraphic, PolyPolygonCountIdx, CurrPoint - PolyCountStartIdx + 1
SAddPoint CurrGraphic, tx, ty
SAddPoint CurrGraphic, tx, ty
AddPolyCount CurrGraphic, 2
PolyCountStartIdx = CurrPoint + 1
CurrPoint = CurrPoint + 2
PolyPolygonCountIdx = PolyPolygonCountIdx + 1
DoScale CurrGraphic
DoPaint CurrGraphic
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End If
If NumPoints <> 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
Select Case CurrTool
Case 0:
If (MarkPointIdx >= 0) And (MarkObjectIdx <> -1) Then
NumPoints = MarkPointIdx
CurrPoint = MarkPointIdx
CurrGraphic = GraphicHandles(MarkObjectIdx)
EditDrag = True
SetDrawMode CurrGraphic, 10
SetFillStyle CurrGraphic, FS_HOLLOW
SetBackStyle CurrGraphic, BKS_TRANSPARENT
SetBorderWidth CurrGraphic, 0
DoScale CurrGraphic
DoPaint CurrGraphic
If (GraphicTypes(MarkObjectIdx) = G_DRAWTEXT) Then
initx = SGetX(CurrGraphic, 1)
inity = SGetY(CurrGraphic, 1)
End If
Exit Sub
EditDrag = False
Exit Sub
End If
Case G_ARC:
NumPoints = 4
CurrPoint = 2
CurrGraphic = SCreateArc(FG1, tx, ty, tx + 1, ty + 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
NumPoints = 4
CurrPoint = 2
CurrGraphic = SCreateChord(FG1, tx, ty, tx + 1, ty + 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
NumPoints = 2
CurrPoint = 2
CurrGraphic = SCreateDrawText(FG1, "Draw Text", tx, ty, 20, 20, DT_LEFT Or DT_WORDBREAK)
initx = tx
inity = ty
NumPoints = 2
CurrPoint = 2
CurrGraphic = SCreateEllipse(FG1, tx, ty, tx, ty)
Case G_LINE:
NumPoints = 2
CurrPoint = 2
CurrGraphic = SCreateLine(FG1, tx, ty, tx, ty)
NumPoints = 10000
CurrPoint = 2
CurrGraphic = SCreatePolygon(FG1)
SAddPoint CurrGraphic, tx, ty
SAddPoint CurrGraphic, tx, ty
SAddPoint CurrGraphic, tx, ty
Case G_PIE:
NumPoints = 4
CurrPoint = 2
CurrGraphic = SCreatePie(FG1, tx, ty, tx + 1, ty + 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
NumPoints = 10000
CurrPoint = 2
CurrGraphic = SCreatePolyline(FG1)
SAddPoint CurrGraphic, tx, ty
SAddPoint CurrGraphic, tx, ty
SAddPoint CurrGraphic, tx, ty
NumPoints = 10000
CurrPoint = 1
PolyCountStartIdx = 0
CurrGraphic = SCreatePolyPolygon(FG1)
SAddPoint CurrGraphic, tx, ty
SAddPoint CurrGraphic, tx, ty
initx = tx
inity = ty
AddPolyCount CurrGraphic, 2
PolyPolygonCountIdx = 0
NumPoints = 10000
CurrPoint = 1
CurrGraphic = SCreatePolyTextOut(FG1)
SAddPText CurrGraphic, tx, ty, ""
SAddPText CurrGraphic, tx, ty, "PolyTextOut"
NumPoints = 2
CurrPoint = 2
CurrGraphic = SCReateRectangle(FG1, tx, ty, tx, ty)
NumPoints = 3
CurrPoint = 2
CurrGraphic = SCreateRoundRect(FG1, tx, ty, tx, ty, tx, ty)
Case G_TEXTOut:
NumPoints = 1
CurrPoint = 1
initx = tx
inity = ty
CurrGraphic = SCreateTextOut(FG1, tx, ty, "Text Out")
CurrGraphic = SCreatePolyline(FG1)
NumPoints = 10000
CurrPoint = 2
SAddPoint CurrGraphic, tx, ty
SAddPoint CurrGraphic, tx, ty
Case 15:
NumPoints = 2
CurrPoint = 2
initx = tx
inity = ty
CurrGraphic = SCReateRectangle(FG1, tx, ty, tx, ty)
Case Else
Exit Sub
End Select
SetDrawMode CurrGraphic, 10
If MaxHandle > MAX_GRAPHICS Then
MsgBox "Out of graphic handles"
GraphicHandles(MaxHandle) = CurrGraphic
GraphicTypes(MaxHandle) = CurrTool
MaxHandle = MaxHandle + 1
End If
If (CurrTool <> 15) And 1 Then
SetBorderColor CurrGraphic, CurrBorderColor
SetBorderStyle CurrGraphic, CurrBorderStyle
SetBorderWidth CurrGraphic, -CurrBorderWidth
SetBackColor CurrGraphic, CurrBackColor
SetBackStyle CurrGraphic, CurrBackStyle
SetFillColor CurrGraphic, CurrFillColor
SetFillStyle CurrGraphic, CurrFIllStyle
SetFontColor CurrGraphic, CurrFontColor
SetFontFaceName CurrGraphic, CurrFontFaceName
If CurrFontBold Then
SetFontWeight CurrGraphic, 700
SetFontWeight CurrGraphic, 300
End If
SetFontItalic CurrGraphic, CurrFontItalic
SetFontPointHeight CurrGraphic, CurrFontHeight
SetFontStrikeOut CurrGraphic, CurrFontStrikeOut
SetFontUnderline CurrGraphic, CurrFontUnderline
End If
DoScale CurrGraphic
DoPaint CurrGraphic
End Sub
Sub picDrawSpace_MouseMove (Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim tx As Double
Dim ty As Double
tx = X
ty = Y
ToScaleXY FG1, tx, ty
If (tx > 10000) Or (tx < -10000) Or (Abs(tx) < .1) Then
lblXPos = Format$(tx, "0.00000E+00")
lblXPos = Format$(tx)
End If
If (ty > 10000) Or (ty < -10000) Or (Abs(ty) < .1) Then
lblYPos = Format$(ty, "0.00000E+00")
lblYPos = Format$(ty)
End If
If CurrTool = 0 And (Not EditDrag) Then
DoMarkPosCheck X, Y
End If
If CurrPoint > NumPoints Then
Exit Sub
End If
If CurrGraphic = -1 Then
Exit Sub
End If
Select Case CurrTool
Case 0:
If (GraphicTypes(MarkObjectIdx) = G_DRAWTEXT) Or (GraphicTypes(MarkObjectIdx) = G_TEXTOut) Or (GraphicTypes(MarkObjectIdx) = G_POLYTEXTOut) Then
SetDrawMode CurrGraphic, 13
SetFontColor CurrGraphic, QBColor(15)
SetBackColor CurrGraphic, QBColor(15)
End If
DoScale CurrGraphic
DoPaint CurrGraphic
If (GraphicTypes(MarkObjectIdx) = G_DRAWTEXT) Then
If (CurrPoint = 2) Then
SSetX CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, Abs(tx - initx)
SSetY CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, Abs(ty - inity)
SSetX CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, tx
SSetY CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, ty
End If
SSetX CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, tx
SSetY CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, ty
End If
SetMarkPos X, Y, MarkPointIdx
If (GraphicTypes(MarkObjectIdx) = G_DRAWTEXT) Or (GraphicTypes(MarkObjectIdx) = G_TEXTOut) Or (GraphicTypes(MarkObjectIdx) = G_POLYTEXTOut) Then
SetFontColor CurrGraphic, CurrFontColor
SetBackColor CurrGraphic, CurrBackColor
End If
DoScale CurrGraphic
DoPaint CurrGraphic
Case 3, 13:
SetDrawMode CurrGraphic, 13
SetFontColor CurrGraphic, QBColor(15)
SetBackColor CurrGraphic, QBColor(15)
DoScale CurrGraphic
DoPaint CurrGraphic
If CurrTool = 3 Then
SSetX CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, tx - initx
SSetY CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, ty - inity
SSetX CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, tx
SSetY CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, ty
End If
SetFontColor CurrGraphic, CurrFontColor
SetBackColor CurrGraphic, CurrBackColor
DoScale CurrGraphic
DoPaint CurrGraphic
Case 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 10, G_POLYPOLYGON:
DoScale CurrGraphic
DoPaint CurrGraphic
SSetX CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, tx
SSetY CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, ty
DoScale CurrGraphic
DoPaint CurrGraphic
Case 15:
DoPaint CurrGraphic
If chkKeepAspectRatio.Value Then
If Abs(tx - initx) > Abs(ty - inity) Then
'Adjust TX
tx = initx + Abs(inity - ty) * Sgn(-initx + tx)
' Adjust TY
ty = inity + Abs(initx - tx) * Sgn(-inity + ty)
End If
End If
SSetX CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, tx
SSetY CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, ty
DoScale CurrGraphic
DoPaint CurrGraphic
Case 14
If CurrPoint < NumPoints Then
SetDrawMode CurrGraphic, 13
SAddPoint CurrGraphic, tx, ty
DoScale CurrGraphic
DoPaint CurrGraphic
CurrPoint = CurrPoint + 1
End If
End Select
End Sub
Sub picDrawSpace_MouseUp (Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim tx As Double
Dim ty As Double
Dim TheText As String
Dim NewLeft As Double
Dim NewTop As Double
Dim NewWidth As Double
Dim NewHeight As Double
Dim dummy As Double
tx = X
ty = Y
ToScaleXY FG1, tx, ty
If (CurrTool = 0) And ((Button And 1) = 1) And (Not EditDrag) Then
DoHitTesting Shift, tx, ty
Exit Sub
End If
If CurrGraphic = -1 Then
Exit Sub
End If
Select Case CurrTool
Case 0:
'DoPaint CurrGraphic
If (GraphicTypes(MarkObjectIdx) = G_DRAWTEXT) And (CurrPoint = 2) Then
SSetX CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, Abs(tx - initx)
SSetY CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, Abs(ty - inity)
SSetX CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, tx
SSetY CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, ty
End If
SetDrawMode CurrGraphic, 13
'DoScale CurrGraphic
'DoPaint CurrGraphic
CurrPoint = 0
NumPoints = 0
CurrGraphic = -1
EditDrag = False
Case 3, 13:
SetFontColor CurrGraphic, QBColor(15)
SetBackColor CurrGraphic, QBColor(15)
DoPaint CurrGraphic
If CurrTool = 3 Then
SSetX CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, tx - initx
SSetY CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, ty - inity
SSetX CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, tx
SSetY CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, ty
End If
SetFontColor CurrGraphic, CurrFontColor
DoScale CurrGraphic
DoPaint CurrGraphic
CurrPoint = CurrPoint + 1
SetFontColor CurrGraphic, CurrFontColor
SetBackColor CurrGraphic, CurrBackColor
TheText = InputBox$("Enter your text.")
SetString CurrGraphic, TheText
Case 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 11, 12:
DoPaint CurrGraphic
SSetX CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, tx
SSetY CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, ty
DoScale CurrGraphic
DoPaint CurrGraphic
CurrPoint = CurrPoint + 1
Case 14:
NumPoints = CurrPoint
CurrPoint = CurrPoint + 1
Case 6, 8:
DoPaint CurrGraphic
SSetX CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, tx
SSetY CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, ty
SAddPoint CurrGraphic, tx, ty
DoScale CurrGraphic
DoPaint CurrGraphic
CurrPoint = CurrPoint + 1
DoPaint CurrGraphic
SSetX CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, tx
SSetY CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, ty
If CurrPoint <> NumPoints Then
SAddPoint CurrGraphic, tx, ty
SetPolyCount CurrGraphic, PolyPolygonCountIdx, CurrPoint - PolyCountStartIdx + 2
End If
DoScale CurrGraphic
DoPaint CurrGraphic
CurrPoint = CurrPoint + 1
DoPaint CurrGraphic
SSetX CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, tx
SSetY CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, ty
If CurrPoint <> NumPoints Then
SAddPText CurrGraphic, tx, ty, "PolyTextOut"
End If
TheText = InputBox$("Enter your text.")
SetPTextAt CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, TheText
CurrPoint = CurrPoint + 1
Case 15:
DoPaint CurrGraphic
SSetX CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, tx
SSetY CurrGraphic, CurrPoint, ty
If tx < initx Then
dummy = tx
tx = initx
initx = dummy
End If
If ty < inity Then
dummy = ty
ty = inity
inity = dummy
End If
If chkKeepAspectRatio.Value Then
If Abs(tx - initx) > Abs(ty - inity) Then
'Adjust TX
tx = initx + Abs(inity - ty) * Sgn(-initx + tx)
' Adjust TY
ty = inity + Abs(initx - tx) * Sgn(-inity + ty)
End If
End If
SetScale FG1, initx, inity, tx - initx, ty - inity
If chkKeepAspectRatio.Value Then
If picDrawSpace.ScaleWidth > picDrawSpace.ScaleHeight Then
SetPlacement FG1, 0, 0, picDrawSpace.ScaleHeight, picDrawSpace.ScaleHeight
SetPlacement FG1, 0, 0, picDrawSpace.ScaleWidth, picDrawSpace.ScaleWidth
End If
SetPlacement FG1, 0, 0, picDrawSpace.ScaleWidth, picDrawSpace.ScaleHeight
End If
CurrPoint = 0
NumPoints = 0
RemoveObject CurrGraphic, picDrawSpace.hDC, 0, True, 0
CurrGraphic = -1
End Select
If CurrPoint > NumPoints Then
If CurrGraphic <> -1 Then
SetDrawMode CurrGraphic, 13
DoScale CurrGraphic
DoPaint CurrGraphic
End If
CurrPoint = 0
NumPoints = 0
CurrGraphic = -1
End If
End Sub
Sub picDrawSpace_Paint ()
DoScale FG1
'DoDraw 1, picDRawSpace.hDC
DoPaint FG1
End Sub
Sub ResizeColorButtons ()
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim ButtonWidth As Double
ButtonWidth = (picColorBtns.ScaleWidth / NUM_COLORS - 0#)
For i = 0 To NUM_COLORS - 1
For j = 0 To 3
SetX AllColors(i, j), 1, i * ButtonWidth
SetX AllColors(i, j), 2, (i + 1) * ButtonWidth
Next j
Next i
For j = 0 To 3
SetX ColorSelect(j), 1, ColorSelectIdx(j) * ButtonWidth
SetX ColorSelect(j), 2, (ColorSelectIdx(j) + 1) * ButtonWidth
SetBorderWidth ColorSelect(j), ButtonWidth / 4
Next j
End Sub
Sub SetMarkAttribs ()
If (MarkObjectIdx >= 0) And CanSetAttribs Then
SetBorderColor GraphicHandles(MarkObjectIdx), CurrBorderColor
SetBorderStyle GraphicHandles(MarkObjectIdx), CurrBorderStyle
SetBorderWidth GraphicHandles(MarkObjectIdx), -CurrBorderWidth
SetBackColor GraphicHandles(MarkObjectIdx), CurrBackColor
SetBackStyle GraphicHandles(MarkObjectIdx), CurrBackStyle
SetFillColor GraphicHandles(MarkObjectIdx), CurrFillColor
SetFillStyle GraphicHandles(MarkObjectIdx), CurrFIllStyle
SetFontColor GraphicHandles(MarkObjectIdx), CurrFontColor
SetFontFaceName GraphicHandles(MarkObjectIdx), CurrFontFaceName
If CurrFontBold Then
SetFontWeight GraphicHandles(MarkObjectIdx), 700
SetFontWeight GraphicHandles(MarkObjectIdx), 300
End If
SetFontItalic GraphicHandles(MarkObjectIdx), CurrFontItalic
SetFontPointHeight GraphicHandles(MarkObjectIdx), CurrFontHeight
SetFontStrikeOut GraphicHandles(MarkObjectIdx), CurrFontStrikeOut
SetFontUnderline GraphicHandles(MarkObjectIdx), CurrFontUnderline
End If
End Sub
Sub SetMarkPos (X As Single, Y As Single, ThePointIdx As Integer)
DoPaint MarkPicture
MarkPoints((ThePointIdx - MarkStartIdx) * 5 + 0).X = X - 5
MarkPoints((ThePointIdx - MarkStartIdx) * 5 + 0).Y = Y - 5
MarkPoints((ThePointIdx - MarkStartIdx) * 5 + 1).X = X + 5
MarkPoints((ThePointIdx - MarkStartIdx) * 5 + 1).Y = Y - 5
MarkPoints((ThePointIdx - MarkStartIdx) * 5 + 2).X = X + 5
MarkPoints((ThePointIdx - MarkStartIdx) * 5 + 2).Y = Y + 5
MarkPoints((ThePointIdx - MarkStartIdx) * 5 + 3).X = X - 5
MarkPoints((ThePointIdx - MarkStartIdx) * 5 + 3).Y = Y + 5
MarkPoints((ThePointIdx - MarkStartIdx) * 5 + 4).X = X - 5
MarkPoints((ThePointIdx - MarkStartIdx) * 5 + 4).Y = Y - 5
DoPaint MarkPicture
End Sub
Sub SetSelectBorderWidth (BorderWidth As Integer)
Dim i As Integer
If BorderWidth = 0 Then
Shape2.Top = Line2(0).Y1 - Shape2.Height / 2
CurrBorderWidth = BorderWidth
Exit Sub
End If
For i = 1 To 5
If BorderWidth = Line2(i).BorderWidth Then
Shape2.Top = Line2(i).Y1 - Shape2.Height / 2
CurrBorderWidth = BorderWidth
Exit Sub
End If
Next i
' We only get here if no match found so use last one
Shape2.Top = txtBorderWidth.Top + txtBorderWidth.Height / 2 - Shape2.Height / 2
txtBorderWidth = Str$(BorderWidth)
End Sub
Sub SetSelectedBorderStyle (NewBorderStyle As Integer)
Dim TempY As Single
TempY = Line1(NewBorderStyle).Y1
Panel3D1_MouseUp 1, 0, 0, TempY
End Sub
Sub SetSelectedColor (TheColor, TheRow As Integer)
Dim BtnWidth As Double
Dim BtnHeight As Double
Dim X As Single
Dim Y As Single
Dim i As Integer
BtnWidth = picColorBtns.ScaleWidth / NUM_COLORS
BtnHeight = picColorBtns.ScaleHeight / 4
ColorRow = Y / BtnHeight - .5
Y = (TheRow + .5) * BtnHeight
X = -1
For i = 0 To NUM_COLORS - 1
If GetBorderColor(AllColors(i, TheRow)) = TheColor Then
X = (i + .5) * BtnWidth
End If
Next i
If X = -1 Then
' No matching color was found so make a new one
DoPaint ColorSelect(0)
DoPaint ColorSelect(1)
DoPaint ColorSelect(2)
DoPaint ColorSelect(3)
SetBorderColor AllColors(NUM_COLORS - 1, TheRow), TheColor
SetFillColor AllColors(NUM_COLORS - 1, TheRow), TheColor
DoPaint AllColors(NUM_COLORS - 1, TheRow)
DoPaint ColorSelect(0)
DoPaint ColorSelect(1)
DoPaint ColorSelect(2)
DoPaint ColorSelect(3)
X = (NUM_COLORS - .5) * BtnWidth
End If
picColorBtns_MouseUp 1, 0, X, Y
End Sub
Sub SetSelectFillStyle (FillStyle As Integer)
Dim X As Single
Dim Y As Single
Select Case FillStyle
Case 0:
X = 150
Y = 150
Case 1:
X = 150
Y = 420
Case 2:
X = 150
Y = 600
Case 3:
X = 420
Y = 150
Case 4:
X = 420
Y = 420
Case 5:
X = 420
Y = 600
Case 6:
X = 600
Y = 150
Case 7:
X = 600
Y = 420
End Select
Panel3D3_MouseUp 1, 0, X, Y
End Sub
Sub txtBorderWidth_Change ()
CurrBorderWidth = Val(txtBorderWidth)
End Sub
Sub UpdateCurrentColors ()
CurrBorderColor = GetBorderColor(AllColors(ColorSelectIdx(0), 0))
CurrFillColor = GetBorderColor(AllColors(ColorSelectIdx(1), 1))
CurrFontColor = GetBorderColor(AllColors(ColorSelectIdx(2), 2))
CurrBackColor = GetBorderColor(AllColors(ColorSelectIdx(3), 3))
End Sub